Berkeley Mono Typeface - Release Notes

Product Information
Product Name Berkeley Mono Typeface
Product Type Typeface

Release History

Ref # Tag Release Notes
RC-104 NEW GLYPH Standard set of ligatures, 158 new glyphs per cut, 632 total
RC-103 OPTICAL Adjust weight, braceleft and braceright, italics cut [U+007B] [U+007D]
RC-102 BUG Fix bug in stylistic set name for 7 digit, add missing ss06, italics cut [U+0037]
RC-101 BUG Dekink and harmonize curve, asciitilde, italics cut [U+007E]
RC-100 BUG Adjust right side-bearing, at symbol, italics bold cut [U+0040]
RC-099 BUG Fix an incline alignment issue, braces, italics cut [U+007B] [U+007D]
RC-098 BUG Fix alignment issues in numbersign, italics cut [U+0023]
RC-097 OPTICAL Fix horizontal alignment, harmonize curvature, parenthesis, italics [U+0028][U+0029]
RC-096 OPTICAL Harmonize curvature, question mark, italics [U+003F]
RC-095 BUG Make ellipses consistent in size between regular and italics cut [U+2026]
RC-094 BUG Fix punctuation misalignments in Italics cut
RC-093 BUG Fix side bearings and reset incline by 2.19 degrees, backslash [U+005C]
RC-092 NEW GLYPH Add Thai Baht currency symbol, [ U+0E3F]
RC-091 BUG Fix vertical misalignment, asterisk bold [U+002A]
RC-090 BUG Fix vertical alignment, period center [U+00B7]
RC-089 BUG Match horizontal alignment, bullet symbol bold [U+2022]
RC-088 BUG Fix vertical alignment, semicolon [U+003B]
RC-087 BUG Fix vertical and horizontal alignment, less/greater signs [U+003C] [U+003E]
RC-086 BUG Minor alignment issue, semicolon bold [U+003B]
RC-085 BUG Fix minor misalignment of exclamation mark, [U+0021]
RC-083 OPTICAL Optically adjusted uppercase 'B' angle, italics bold cut [U+0042]
RC-082 BUG Minor fitting adjustment, lowercase 'b' bold, [U+0062]
RC-081 BUG Minor fitting adjustment, lowercase 'a' bold, [U+0061]
RC-080 BUG Adjust side bearings, uppercase 'J' bold [U+004A]
RC-079 BUG Adjust side bearings, uppercase 'B', italics cut [U+0042]
RC-078 OPTICAL Fixed curvature, minor optical adjustment to parentheses, [U+0028] [U+0029]
RC-077 OPTICAL Improved legibility of lowercase 'm', bold cut [U+006D]
RC-076 OPTICAL Improved legibility of '%' bold sign [U+0025]
RC-075 BUG Fixed weight distribution, uppercase 'V' bold [U+0056]
RC-074 BUG Fixed weight distribution, uppercase 'A' bold [U+0041]
RC-073 OPTICAL Minor optical adjustment, uppercase 'G' [U+0047]
RC-072 OPTICAL Minor optical adjustment, fixed top bowl tangent point 'B' [U+0042]
RC-070 NEW GLYPH Add logical symbols [U+2227] [U+2228]
v1.008 2022-10-28
RC-069 OPTICAL Added notch to y-glyph vertex, adjusted optical weight [U+0079]
RC-065 NEW GLYPH Add bitcoin symbol [U+20BF]
RC-064 BUG Fix vertical dollar sign stroke alignment [U+0024]
RC-063 BUG Fix per-thousand overlap after component change [U+2030]
RC-062 OPTICAL Adjust counter size and negative space in uppercase Schwa [U+018F]
RC-061 OPTICAL Adjust Oslash and oslash stroke weight [U+00D8] [U+00F8]
RC-060 BUG Fix iogonek comb baseline gap [U+012F]
RC-059 BUG Fix Tcedellia comb alignment [U+0162]
RC-058 BUG Fix uppercase 'A' diatrics, misaligned Aogonek [U+0104]
RC-057 BUG Fix misalignment of Eogonek ogonekcomb [U+0118]
RC-052 NEW GLYPH Add micro 'mu' glyph in the math symbols collection [U+00B5]
RC-051 BUG Fix arrows in Italic fonts (upright)
RC-050 OPTICAL Adjust zero slash stroke weight [U+0030]
RC-023 OPTICAL Improve small size legibility of 'e' [U+0065]
RC-024 NEW GLYPH Add replacement character � [U+FFFD]
RC-027 OPTICAL Improve legibility of ellipses '...' [U+2026] Bold version
RC-025 OPTICAL Optical adjustment, '?' [U+003F] Bold
RC-029 OPTICAL Optical adjustment '!' [U+0021]
RC-030 OPTICAL Optical adjustments to 'r' [U+0072]
RC-026 OPTICAL Adjust stem height, '7' [U+0037]
RC-028 BUG Minor adjustment '2' [U+0032]
RC-031 NEW GLYPH Add Turkish Lira [U+20BA]
RC-032 OPTICAL Minor optical adjustments to '3' [U+0033]
RC-033 BUG Fix Iogonek diatric alignment [U+012E]
RC-034 BUG Fix Box drawing characters in Italics version
RC-035 BUG Fix error in fullBlock [U+2588]
RC-037 BUG Fix schwa glyphs [U+0259] and [U+018F]
RC-036 NEW GLYPH Add box drawing glyphs (diagonals) [U+2571], [U+2572] and [U+2573]
RC-038 BUG Fix punctuation horizontal alignment [U+003B] [U+003A]
RC-039 NEW GLYPH Add replacement character for missing glyphs [U+FFFD]
RC-022 BUG Fix double-line box drawing glyph [U+2569]
RC-016 NEW GLYPH Add Powerline glyphs [U+E0A0] [U+E0A1] [U+E0A2] [U+E0A3] [U+E0B0] [U+E0B1] [U+E0B2] [U+E0B3]
RC-021 BUG Center align punctuation glyphs
RC-017 BUG Degrees glyph, adjust left side bearing [U+00B0]
v1.007 2022-02-23
RC-053 NOTE Ready for public release on 2022-03-04!
RC-048 BUG Fix semicolon height [U+003B]
RC-020 BUG Fix misalignment of vertical stem in thorn [U+00FE]
RC-019 BUG Remove J-acute and j-acute glyphs, not in Unicode standard yet
v1.006 2022-02-22
RC-054 NOTE Currently, there is no support for OTF variable fonts due to limitations of the font production software
RC-047 BUG Fix issues with Adobe products, variable fonts (beta)
v1.005 2022-02-21
RC-046 BUG Vertically center the bullet glyph [U+2022]
v1.004 2022-02-19
RC-045 NOTE Publish variable fonts under a new and separate typeface family — 'Berkeley Mono Variable'
RC-044 BUG Rename 'Roman Variable' font to 'Regular Variable'
v1.003 2022-02-19
RC-043 NOTE Update Copyright information, assign copyright to Berkeley Graphics LLC.
v1.002 2022-02-15
RC-042 BUG Alter the Zero slash stroke width (decreased) [U+0030].
v1.001 2022-02-05
RC-041 BUG Fix '7' glyph inconsistencies between variants [U+0037]
v1.000 2022-02-04
RC-056 NOTE Archive all previous releases (pre v1.000)
RC-055 NOTE This marks the first release of Berkeley Mono